Bears Can't Drift!? Patch 1.2
Bears Can't Drift!? released in August 2016. It's been almost a year and we've been taking in a lot of player feedback, reading reviews, watching lets plays and chatting with other developers, We really appreciate the time people have taken to send us feedback and this patch aims to address these problems. The biggest issue raised is the obtuseness of the game, it doesn't do a very good job of explaining itself so we have done a few things to remedy it.
Main Menu
A main menu has been added to the start of the game that has a few new features listed bellow. You can go straight into free roam and carry on playing Bears Can't Drift!? as you know and love (with a few small changes). You no longer go to the difficulty area, instead you are dropped straight into the forest world. This is so players can explore the easier tracks before moving on to the harder ones, it also means you don't have to make the hard mode jump every time you start the game!
Quick Race Mode
We know a lot of people love the hub world. But some people just want to race! Quick race lets you play any 5 tracks back to back in either race or picnic mode. It supports up to 4 player split-screen so pick your bears, choose your tracks and get racing!
Loading Screen
A brand new Loading screen will help ease the short transition between maps. There is a randomised piece of art from the game accompanied by a handy tip!
Options Menu (PC only)
The options menu has been more clearly laid out and now fully supports keyboard and gamepad input (rather than mouse). It has also been moved to the main menu so players can change settings before starting the main game.
Game Mode UI
Game Mode UI is now permanently on screen in the hub world so you always know which mode you're in. A small piece of text has been added to give further information about the selected mode.
Track changes
Less laps for longer tracks,
Patch Release Date, Q3 2017.
We wanted to make Bears Can't Drift!? a game with minimal text and UI. We hoped that players would explore the game and enjoy discovering how it worked, We wanted everything from deleting save data to switching game modes and even changing the colour of the kart to be a mystery to uncover. The games overly obtuse nature was off-putting to many players and while those things are still important to us, the core idea of BCD!? was that it be a fun game for friends and family to play together. We hope you like the changes we have planned, let us know what you think in the comments bellow.